New bathymetry features
Bathymetry data can now be used in SurvOPT, to help plan acquisition in shallow areas. SurvOPT can:
- Import bathymetry from .xyz, .csv or .txt format
- Grid and resample bathymetry data
- Display bathymetry in the map
- Create obstruction or outline objects from bathymetry
Using bathymetry together with tide data and environment constraints, you can figure out which areas are too shallow in which to operate, and find shooting plans to acquire lines in marginal areas at high tide.
OMNI file format exports
Planned and acquired sequences and associated bin grid information can now be exported to OMNI streamer (.ost) and bin grid (.bgd) file format. While this data could previously be imported into OMNI from a SurvOPT P1-90 export, the process is significantly faster using OMNI streamer format, particularly when working with large amounts of data.
Bug fixes and usability improvements
- Fixed: SurvOPT may fail to run if SurvOPT is installed using the MSI installer, on a PC where SurvOPT was previously installed using the EXE installer. In this case, SurvOPT will now prompt to uninstall the EXE version before proceeeding with the MSI installation.
- Fixed: Crash when displaying a sequence with a missed-shots section over a waypoint.